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The fact and the truth is Women suffer with their own issues all the time. The Anatomy at certain point hold a women at some stages. Sanitation is an issue faced by each and every woman. The Health Technology has been improved in the past 5 years. Scientists have been developing safe wears to natural products which are not harmful to women. The track would be a discussion of these technologies and an exhibition of these products.

  • New Products in sanitation designed for women
  • Bio toilets
  • Natural products over synthetic ones
  • Cost Reduction on Women Health Products ( Rural and Urban)

Gender Equality, Equal Pay and much more raises when it comes to Ethical and Social Issues. The laid back behaviour of society when it comes to the safety of women is proved and a change should be considered. Marriage, Non-Marital state a women should not be forced to do something which she does not like. Workplace harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, body shaming, Right to education and abusive relations are few other issues which should be brought into light.

  • Gender Equality
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Child Abuse
  • Social Media – Pros and Cons
  • Awareness and safety of women

A pestering hack or slight wheeze may scarcely enroll over the span of our bustling days, yet it's basically essential to focus on even gentle issue. Some of the time individuals experience difficulty in breathing is simply something that accompanies getting more chronic. It is imperative to focus on these indications as they could be the main indications of lung infection, including COPD, asthma and lung malignancy, tumor. Knowing the early cautioning indications of lung sickness can enable you to get treatment before the malady winds up genuine or even dangerous. In the event that you encounter any of the accompanying cautioning signs, make a meeting with your medicinal services supplier at the earliest opportunity.

  • Pulmonary Disorders and Diseases
  • Lung Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Smoking Issues and Cancer

Leukomalacia in neonates to stroke in women shows the importance of cardiac care. Research demonstrates that women must be drawn closer uniquely in contrast to men with regards to cardiovascular wellbeing. Side effects for heart and vascular sickness may show in an unexpected way, and all in all, ladies build up the main indications of cardiovascular ailment after menopause, or, in other words years after the fact than men.a

Moles, rashes, hives, and dermatitis are only a couple of the in excess of 3,000 skin issue that influence individuals consistently. Changes in shading or surface can result from aggravation, disease, or hypersensitive responses anyplace on the body. Some skin conditions can be minor, brief, and effortlessly treated - while others can be intense, and even fatal.

  • Skin Cancer
  • Psoriasis, Eczema and Dermatitis
  • Melanin effect – Pros and Cons
  • Acne, Wart, Moles and Skin Rash
  • Fungal Infections

Leukomalacia in neonates to stroke in women shows the importance of cardiac care. Research demonstrates that women must be drawn closer uniquely in contrast to men with regards to cardiovascular wellbeing. Side effects for heart and vascular sickness may show in an unexpected way, and all in all, ladies build up the main indications of cardiovascular ailment after menopause, or, in other words years after the fact than men.

The human foot and lower leg is a many-sided and complex anatomical structure comprising of 26 bones (25% of all bones in your body), 33 joints, in excess of 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons and an immense system of delicate tissue, vessels and skin. These segments work in ideal harmony to give quality, adaptability and equalization for the person to stand, walk or run. At the point when there is torment, injury or a breakdown to the foot and lower leg, including plantar fasciitis, bunions, or various different conditions, your inside solution or essential consideration family specialist may allude you to an orthopaedic specialist or a podiatrist.

  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Biomaterials in Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Amputation
  • Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
  • Podiatry : Techniques and Methods

Mental Disorders which are common are depression and tension. There are additionally sure other and unique forms of depression. A few ladies may encounter side effects of mental issue on occasion of hormone change, for example, perinatal dejection, premenstrual dysphoric turmoil, and perimenopause-related melancholy. With regards to other mental disarranges, for example, schizophrenia and bipolar issue.

  • Depression and Insomnia
  • Rehabilitation after Trauma
  • Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Epilepsy

Cosmetic medical procedure incorporates an extensive variety of various methodologies and with every strategy there are a wide range of focal points and impediments to consider before going ahead with the system. One of the fundamental preferences is that you can lose a lot of muscle to fat ratio in only hours, and this can result in individuals resting easy thinking about themselves and carrying on with a more advantageous way of life accordingly. Facelifts are likewise a prevalent strategy and can result in 10 or 20 years being removed your appearance. For the most part the dangers are low, anyway when things do turn out badly it is generally in light of the fact that the wrong specialist has been picked. In the most pessimistic scenario you might chance your life, however in any event you would wind up more terrible than before you went for the treatment. For instance an awful specialist may not utilize sterile gear which can result in inconsistencies, asymmetries, puckers, divots and dimples. Anaesthesia utilized in corrective medical procedure can likewise cause issues including blood clumps, brief loss of motion, anomalous heart cadence and that's just the beginning. To abstain from having these issues you ought to dependably guarantee you pick a specialist who is completely qualified.

  • Aesthetic Surgery and Body Contouring
  • Botulin Fillers – Pros and cons
  • Vaginoplasty
  • Liposuction – Pros and Cons
  • Rhinoplasty and Otoplasty
  • Face Lifting and mentoplasty

The human foot and lower leg is a many-sided and complex anatomical structure comprising of 26 bones (25% of all bones in your body), 33 joints, in excess of 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons and an immense system of delicate tissue, vessels and skin. These segments work in ideal harmony to give quality, adaptability and equalization for the person to stand, walk or run. At the point when there is torment, injury or a breakdown to the foot and lower leg, including plantar fasciitis, bunions, or various different conditions, your inside solution or essential consideration family specialist may allude you to an orthopaedic specialist or a podiatrist.

  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Biomaterials in Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Amputation
  • Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
  • Podiatry : Techniques and Methods

Osteoporosis is affected 4 in 5 women due to aging it is the decrease in bone density making the bones brittle, Aging is the main factor where women faces most of the bone issues, as the calcium intake lowers in the body causing the joints to go weak and brittle, The session would be discussing on researchers on different bone diseases, issues and treatment.

  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis and aging
  • Kidney failure and Arthritis
  • Posture Deformities during aging
  • Scoliosis

Breast disease is a reserved topic which is not much spoken in women health, In a survey breast diseases have been increased in the past 5 years upto 45 %. Women who have gone under Breast Reconstruction or Augmentation has always faced these issue. Hyperplasia, cysts and Sclerosing Adenosis are other few examples Breast Diseases.

  • Breast Disease after Augmentation
  • Breast Implant- Pros and Cons
  • Fungal and Bacterial Infection

Breast feeding is an important factor to build up the immune system of the baby and its where the motherhood starts. Delayed breast feeding can cause many health issues for the mother as well as for the baby, .The session would be a discussion on Importance of Breast Feeding and researches on it.

  • Pregnancy and Breast Feeding
  • Importance of Breast Feeding
  • Immunity and Breast Milk
  • Breast Pumping – Pros and Cons
  • Lactation and Pregnancy

The session would be a complete discussion on Onco genes Oncology issues and cancer therapies, women are prone to having different types of cancer internally and externaly. The track would be putting light on women oncology and onco genes.

  • Leukaemia in women
  • Mutations in onco-genes
  • Maternal Hereditary and Onco genes
  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Nutrition Health

Gastroentrology and Heart disease is where the all the major facts are discusses, such as gastroenterology, colon cancer, liver defects, fat deposition, Cholesterol issues etc. 4 in 5 women suffer from one or the other gastroenterology issue and Obese women are affected by heart diseases from high fat consumption.

  • Disorders of Digestive System
  • Colon, Liver and Esophagus Cancer
  • Fatty Liver and its causes
  • Appendix and Appendicitis
  • Pancreatic Cancer

Everything consumed by a pregnant women helps in the nourishment and development of the fetus. Consuming or usage of certain chemicals or drugs can show adverse effects in the baby such as behavioural issue, Low weight gain and retained development of muscles, brain, heart etc. Placenta acts as a barrier between the mother and the baby where the consumed food or drug is also passed through and reaches the fetus.

The track is relevant to the importance of Drug Dosage and Effects of Drug during Pregnancy

  • Iron and Vitamin Deficiency
  • Regulation of Diet throughout Pregnancy
  • Administration of Drug and Dosage Effects
  • Impact of Nutrition on Fetus Development

Physical Education  and  fitness  is an essential part of being healthy. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (PAG) recommends that adults get at the least 2 hours of moderately to vigorously extreme physical activity each week. Academic sports and physical training.  Physical education  in young people High exceptional physical education can inspire young humans to increase knowledge, understanding and abilities across more than a few physical education, game and health-enhancing experiences. The exercise of asanas has been claimed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance; to alleviate strain and anxiety, and to lessen the symptoms of decrease again pain. A review of five research referred to that three psychological (effective affect, mindfulness, self-compassion) and four organic mechanisms (posterior hypothalamus, interleukin-6, C-reactive protein and cortisol) that might act on pressure have been tested empirically, while many other capability mechanisms remained to be studied; Four of the mechanisms (positive affect, self-compassion, inhibition of the posterior hypothalamus and salivary cortisol) were located to mediate the potential strain-reducing results of yoga.

The Trimester of Pregnancy is very important same as Neonatal health, Proper care during the trimester period is given as the foetus is fully grown and birth is expected. Neonatologists are specialized for treating newborn infants- premature babies, low birth weight, Intrauterine growth retardation, birth defects or birth asphyxias.

  • Weight Management during Pregnancy
  • Blue Birth and Causes
  • Premature Labor and Incubation
  • Neonatal Care

Diabetes Mellitus during the Pregnancy period can be termed as a danger factor and affects 9% of pregnant women, if not properly treated can lead to overweight of the baby, low blood sugar and even still birth. Gestationlal Diabetes occurs when the risk of Type 2 diabetes is high or runs In the gene. This session under women health will be discussing about researches happening under Gesattional Diabetes, facts, risks and treatment. 

  • Sugar Intake during the condition
  • Insulin Administration during Gestational Diabetes
  • Monitoring high blood sugar level
  • Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes
  • Screening and Treatment Methods

Maternity care otherwise called obstetrics is a wellbeing science and wellbeing calling those arrangements with pregnancylabor and the birth period other than sexual wellness of women for the duration of their lives. Birthing assistance is a restorative calling which is unique for its free and direct specific instruction, ought not to be mistaken for a medicinal claim to fame. Maternity specialist is an individual who is proficient in midwiferyWomen ought to be supported and offered maternity care drove coherence models of consideration with alert in applying this gadget with generous medicinal or Obstetric intricacies. This Midwifery-drove care is related with a decrease in the utilization of epidurals with less episiotomies and diminished danger of losing the kid before 24 weeks development.

  • Prenatal and Postnatal Care
  • Homebirth- Pros and Cons
  • Counselling on Post- Pregnancy changes

Gynecology and Obstetrics are the study of the female conceptive framework. Obstetrics is the part of pharmaceutical that spotlights on women during pregnancy, and labor. Gynecology is a more extensive field, concentrating on the general human services for women and treating conditions that influence the female regenerative organs. Specialists who are represented considerable authority in gynecology and obstetrics should experience four years of post-therapeutic school preparing in the general wellbeing, pregnancy, work and conveyance, predisposition and baby care, pre-birth testing, and hereditary qualities. For instance, women might be eluded as gynaecologists in the prior phases of pregnancy, and obstetricians later in their term.

  • Pregnancy Issues
  • Surrogacy in Pregnancy
  • Artificial Insemination
  • Cervical, Vaginal and Ovarian Cancer
  • HIV and Pregnancy

Sexology or Sex Therapy is a closed out but yet important session to be discussed as in the modern world there are many divergent. Every human vary from person to person externally as well as internally, understanding an individual’s problems regarding to physical relation is important for a healthy relationship and is necessary to understand certain emotions. Psychosexual therapies and Sexologists are the pioneers who can lead provide actual relevant details regarding a treatment. There are researches happening in the field of Clinical sexology.

This session would be a discussion about Sexual Health and Quality of Life.

  • Compatible Issues
  • Sexual Deprivation
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Impotency
  • Research in Clinical Sexology

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) is a major cause in women . A study shows that 50 – 60 % of females are affected by UTI and 80% are reinfection which keeps on re appearing on conditions where there is poor health condition, unhygienic sanitary conditions, increased sexual activity, avoidance of the symptoms etc. Uterine Infections can be a symptom and can lead to bladder cancer if not properly identified and treated.

The session is mainly for the Urology and Uterine Infections and causes, remedies etc

  • Urinary Tract infections
  • Renal Failure
  • Drug effects on Kidney
  • Treatments during failure/diseases
  • Transplantation of Kidney

When a female child acquires the age and moves towards puberty certain changes occur physically and mentally. The First would be the Menstrual cycle the Menarch. Once the cycle starts accompanying to that the female body changes- such as skin texture, hair texture, body appearances and complete development of genitals etc. The phase is considered to be very crucial and slight variations from the regular graph are noted. The session mainly focuses on adolescent and beginning of puberty, which shows the important of teen health and changes.

  • Menarche
  • Physical and mental changes
  • Nutrition in adolescents and teenagers
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • Hormonal Changes during the cycle

The basic factor of every humans wellbeing is their health and when it comes to women, they have unique health related issues and completely different immune system. Aging from adolescent to old age the health factors especially reproductive system should be intact and flourishing in health as we all know women are the base of the mankind. Here the session is important in bringing the light to Women Health.

  • Primary Care Medicine and Palliative care
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